PMC: ISW024F - Prior Information Notice - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Virtualisation Software and Associated Reseller Services
ISW024F - Prior Information Notice - Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Virtualisation Software and Associated Reseller Services
This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) and not a call for competition; a call for competition may be placed within the next 12 months.
The Office of Government Procurement intends to invite submissions from companies / organisations with expertise and capability relating to the provision of virtualisation software and associated reseller services. As part of this process the OGP wishes to take market soundings to identify market capabilities, supply cost factor and general market dynamics.
This process is a statement of a potential framework contract during the next 12 months but is not a commitment to purchase. Details of individual procurements pursuant to this notice will be advertised in due course. The Office of Government Procurement does not require a response to this Prior Information Notice.