This is a Preliminary Market Consultation (PMC) only. This is not a Request for Tenders (RFT). Tusla intends to issue a Contract Notice and an associated RFT for Legal Services later in 2024.
The purpose of this Preliminary Market Consultation (PMC) is to assist Tusla in understanding the current legal services market environment as it relates to Childcare Legal Services, Corporate legal advices and Employment legal advices. Tusla wishes to use this PMC is to gather marketplace information to supplement and build upon the success of and lessons learned from previous arrangements with a view to informing Tusla’s procurement strategy in relation to the provision of Legal Services.
This PMC will take the following form
1. PMC Briefing: Tusla will set out by way of a presentation inter alia; the nature of the services required, indicative scope and scale, the challenges etc. The PMC briefing will be held on 28th February 2024 between 14:00 and 16:00 at a venue in Dublin. Details of the venue will be advised to those who are registered to attend in advance of the PMC Briefing.
2. Participant Response: based on the information provided at the PMC Briefing, participants will have the opportunity to provide Tusla with feedback through a questionnaire under three key headings
(i) Vendor Landscape
(ii) Market Dynamics and
(iii) Solutions Offering
The questionnaire will be issued to participants after the PMC Briefing. Respondents will be required to submit their questionnaire through on or before 3pm on 4th March 2024.
In order to participate in this market engagement exercise, participants are requested to register their interest in attending the PMC Briefing by email to
Only those persons who have registered to attend will be permitted to participate in the event, subject to the availability of places.