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CfT: Monaghan County Council - N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme - Ground Investigation

Transportation - National
Name of Contracting Authority:
Monaghan County Council
Monaghan County Council - N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme - Ground Investigation
CfT CA Unique ID:
Proc 58
Evaluation Mechanism:
Price/Cost Effectiveness
The project involves the planning, sequencing and construction of the investigation locations to provide the required ground investigation data to enable the preliminary design of the N2 Clontibret to Border Road Scheme. The Investigation provides for boreholes utilising cable percussion and rotary drilling/coring techniques to extend down through overburden soils and into rock where required. Trial pits, inspection pits and slit trenching for utilities and roads to a maximum depth of 4m will also be undertaken to make observations on the ability of ground materials to excavate, the descriptions and stratification of soils and other materials present, where utilities or structure foundations are located along with in situ testing by other techniques as appropriate. Probing will be undertaken to determine the extent of soft and peat along the route. It is envisaged that the ground investigation Contractor will navigate constraints such as finding suitable accessible locations in order to complete the works. For the majority of cases, standpipe construction will be required to enable hydrogeological testing and to carry out long term monitoring of the groundwater regime, particularly where adjacent to watercourses or in areas of notable flooding. Standpipe construction requirements are identified in Schedule 2. Geo-environmental sampling and analysis will be required including in areas where made ground or potential contamination may be present. These investigations include green and yellow category locations which may not be advised or scheduled until the fieldwork is underway, depending on when and how the areas are identified. The Contractor must undertake fieldworks, installations and monitoring, laboratory testing and preparation of a factual report in accordance with the Specification.
Procurement Type:
Works Related Services
2014/24/EU (Classic)
CfT Involves:
A Public Contract
CPV Codes:
71351500-Ground investigation services
45111250-Ground investigation work
Award per Item:
Inclusion of e-Auctions :
NUTS codes:
IE IE041
Estimated value (EUR):
Awarded (CAN) value:
Above or Below threshold:
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
23/01/2024 16:00
Deadline for dispatching invitations:
End of clarification period:
12/01/2024 16:00
Upload of documents within the clarifications:
Tenders Opening Date:
23/01/2024 16:30
Allow suppliers to make an online Expression Of Interest:
Contract awarded in Lots:
Contract duration in months or years, including any options and renewals:
15 months
Validity of Tender in days or months:
180 days
EU funding:
Multiple tenders will be accepted:
Date of Publication/Invitation:
22/12/2023 08:10
TED links for published notices:
Date of Awarding:
10/07/2024 12:14
Language of publication:
Number of openers: